Saturday 22 December 2012


As I am currently off for Christmas holidays I thought I'd just let you onto some good news which I forgot to mention in past blogs which is...


I am so excited that our course are planning a trip and me and a friend Gordon decided to save up and go!!

Its not till March which is such a wait but its my first time there and it's going to be A...MAZINGGGG!!

I will obviously blog you about it once its over and done with and tell you about all the exciting stuff we get up too but for now its just a waiting game!!

As you all know its only 3 more sleeps till the big guy in red come so I just would like to say...
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year too you all!!



Friday 14 December 2012


Hi, I am in a very good mood and I hope you guys are too!!

I have finished my project I spoke about and I am really proud of it actually!!  (NOT TO TOOT MY OWN HORN)

I went with "The Liquid Alarm" for the name I thought it was a little bit weird, a little bit unusual and different which I like from a company, I like a place to intrigue me, which drives me to go somewhere so I thought this name came from my interests and hopefully would interest others also.

My logo is pretty simple to work out I have basically combined the two key factors the fact its a cafe and the  word alarm, I did this by merging together a coffee/tea pot and an alarm clock together to get the silhouette.   I added these two colours as they're warm and comforting as well as a little bit of a strange combination and clash slightly, which comes together with the quirkiness of the name.
My contact card the front of it is very plain just the logo on a white background. For the back I used the teal/green colour from the logo for the background colour and had a very simple image of a cup of coffee which I think pairs well with the coffee pot of the front within the coffee cup is the details of the cafe and how you can get in touch with the company.
This instantly sprung a great idea for my loyalty cards which would come with your purchase the front would be exactly the same as the contact card...
BUT the back is spout from pot of the logo, which on the original has one drop coming from it, this time there would be four which at the end would drip into the coffee cup from the contact card, the drops represents the four coffee's you have two buy and the coffee cup represents what you get free at the end.

I have definitely put a lot into this project and I hope it shows my love for branding and corporate identity.

I hope you all love it and would love to hear some feedback thanks!!

Speak Soon!!

Friday 23 November 2012



I am very excited about this project I have done my research into logo's and cafe's etc..
and now I am at the point of starting my logo and thinking of NAMES!!

Which I am enjoying I like to try and be really clever with stuff like this.
My plan is to go with something completely simple and cool OR something clever and quirky so I am just writing this quick post show you the pages I have for my project with a few of them names :)

Enjoy, Type Soon!!

Sunday 18 November 2012


Hey Everyone
I have a new module on the go at the minute and it has a lot of freedom to it which I love, I love choosing my own brief it calms me a bit which is good,  we got given a lot of different live briefs to choose from and I have chosen to go with a company called Hippo.   They basically told us to imagine that a person said "I am opening a cafe in the area and I want you to choose the name and totally brand it"  
I loved this as all the other briefs were like companies with names and a full list of things they wanted, do's and don'ts you know which all my projects usually have, this was total freedom and totally mine apart from the fact it was a cafe which I do not mind at all.

For this project we had to create a S.W.O.T Analysis which allows me to write down my Strengths,  Weakness', Opportunities and Threats at first I will admit I thought oh god as I am not good at describing myself but in the long run I think it will help a lot so heres a copy of it which I wrote down for my project.

I'll be back in touch once I get more into the module!!

See you soon

Friday 2 November 2012

Merry Christmas Fortnum and Mason.


I know your thinking Merry Christmas bit early it's only November.

But I thought it was appropriate with my current module.

My last post was me basically telling you about how my new module was allowing me to try something new.

It was really good for me but at the same time tested me and was challenging.

I researched and I wanted to modernise F&M and add a splash of colour to them so I did a few colour texts on their original wicker hampers they send out to people.

I looked at the site a lot and noticed there Christmas Hamper was there most elegant to me and would be the one I would splash out on if I ever was able to buy one of them. But for a younger generation could be a bit more fun!!

So I came up with this!!

A basic run through it that,
The wicker basket would be there traditional shape however would be red with a christmas pattern on with a basic brown lid, it would be lined with black silk for a luxurious feel and would have all the products inside with a separate packaging a brown colour box, packet,or label with an image relating to christmas in a silhouette using the pattern on the wicker basket, on top of the separate products would be a handwritten scroll from the company basically thanking them for buying the products and wishing them a Merry Christmas, this would give a personal feel to the product and allow customers to feel warm and happy for the purchase.  A lot of people might disagree with this idea, but my idea was to appeal to a younger range of people as well as their traditional audience.

I hope you all love it and if you don't I would love some advice on how it could have been improved??

Thanks Everyone.
(Image Below of finished piece)

Sunday 30 September 2012

Welcome Back!!

Hello World.

Firstly I would like to apologies, not been blogging over the summer been a busy bee working a lot and generally enjoying the time off.

But now back to the serious stuff...this is the start of my second year and I have received my first brief which is really interesting as this time its packaging design which is not my usual thing but its always nice to try something new, we got to choose a company to design for and I have chosen Fortnum and Mason which is a high end, really classy food/gift company I will post the website so you guys can check them out and there products to get more of a feel for them.

I am currently getting on with that I apologies this is a pretty short blog but I am sure I will have more to say once I get stuck in to the situation and I will keep in touch and make sure you know what's going on.

Hope everyone had a lovely summer and its nice to be back 
Type to you soon :) 

Friday 18 May 2012

Done and Dusted

Well I have finished my four final logos and got them mocked up onto a google website setting.

Here they are and I hope you love them: 

Autumn - The idea with this is pretty simple, autumn is one of my favorite seasons and it is most famous for the colors and how the trees change. Basically I have made a image on the computer showing the stage of the leaves falling from the tree with the left over leaves spelling out the google logo.

 Summer - I went for a more cartoon feel for summer. Summer is a very colorful bright time and I thought the best ways to bring out them colors would to be in cartoon and also summer is when all the children are of school and it will relate a lot to them. What I have done hjas taken little aspects of summer and placed them carefully to spell Google. G - Swimming Pool, O - BBQ, O - Beach Ball, G - Sunflower, L - Ice Lolly and E - A sail boat.

Spring -  This was one of my most simple ideas but also one of my favorites, when I think of spring I automatically think of bumble bees and daffodils so I took both of them aspects straight into the logo, but how was I going to get the typography into those aspects, I wasn't I basically just did a small dotted line showing the bees track to the daffodils to get the pollen in the shape of the google font.

Winter - This idea was inspired by my research of passed google logos and was my first initial idea. The idea is that the word Google is a cloud and the cloud gets more and more blurred to the point where the snow is coming out of it. I played around with it being a nights sky first and it looked to much. I decided to make the O the sun behind the cold clouds to give it more of a weather feel.

Well what did you think?

I really enjoyed doing this project and got really into it, I hope my logos do it justice.

Well that is my first year over and done with. I will try and keep blogging and updating you on my interests and pieces of work I love.

See you in September NCL College :) xx

Tuesday 24 April 2012


C.Y.O.B - Create your own brief.

I was saying in my last blog I was going to create a brief for my final project, I also said I was thinking about going down the rebranding route. 

Well thats what I did... I racked my brain thinking of logos I really HATE and thought immedeatly of Google. I use Google a lot in my life and the logo is really ugly and boring so I though REBRAND. However Google is a very famous and well known brand so I did not want to change it completely, the company is known for there colorful logo. 
So I came up with... Google Seasons.
The plan is to rebrand Google for 2013 and create four different unique logos that will run through out the seasons. There will be a logo for, Summer, Autumn, Spring and Winter so you will never see the usual logo ever throughout that year. The only exceptions to this will be famous dates through out the year which will carry on to have a logo made for them dates.

I will look at some past famous logos and take inspiration from them and see how far I can go with this. 


I will be back with my final logos :) 


Friday 20 April 2012

I actually COMPLETED an essay!! :D

I have just handed in my essay which I am very proud of, not sure its gonna make sense to the people marking it but the fact I researched and actually took a lot of interest in it is good enough for me. (but I am hoping for a good mark as well, that would be nice too)

The question I chose to do was: 
Examine the way in which graphic designers (a minimum of two) have explored environmental issues in their work – what is their approach to materials, print and production, how is technology changing the format / aesthetic of graphic design? 

This question interested me a lot because eco friendly packaging is becoming more and more popular and is very stylish when done correct.

In my essay I show examples of eco friendly designs and designers.

My biggest interest was in Eduardo del Fraile - I loved his style of work and how just because he was making his designs green, he didn't jus tout his logo on some brown paper and call it a unique eco design.

If you fancy checking out some of his work here is his website -

For the future I am now starting my final project in which I will create my own brief. Everything is in my hands and I am excited because it will defiantly be something I enjoy doing. 
I am most defiantly going towards a rebranding project, but I will keep you updated!!!!!!!!

Talk to you soon :) xx

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Long Time No Blog!!

Hi Everyone
Sorry I have not blogged in over a month :O 
I was off with flu for a while and had a lot of catching up to do.

I'm Back so from last time I was telling you that I was upset with my Ministry Of Sound project and my final pieces but I was just happy I finished on time.

(Below) This was my first poster which was so awfully rushed and unprofessional.

I had words with my tutor basically telling him about how I had a panic about this project and new it was terrible and looked like I had done it in 2 minutes and he gave me an extension to make another final poster in the style of my original ideas.

(Below) My improved final poster which I am so pleased with and am so grateful that I was allowed the extension so I had time to make my poster to its full potential.


When I got back after being ill we had two new briefs, one in which we had to design a new logo for the Newcastle Medical Photography Department.
I sat for ages doodling pointless logos, when I decided to go onto the internet and get some research done as inspiration was not gonna hit me doing NOTHING.

I looked at different photography equipment trying not to fall into the trap of doing a logo for a hospital (e.g blood or needles) , the one rule we did have was we were not allowed to just submit a picture of a camera with the company name below.

(Below) Examples of me playing around with the lighting umbrella.

(Below) I chose a silhouette of the top of the umbrella added a shadow and a gradient, put my chosen typography onto it which I edited on InDesign.

I showed this in the crit and was told the idea was nice but was to much like a logo for a photography studio.

 (Below) I went back to researching camera equipment and found this image of a fluorescent light head 

I put this image into Photoshop and changed the opacity to really low,  I created a new layer and using a graphic tablet and the brus tool I roughly drew around the image to get a hand drawn effect. I left the image in it with a low opacity and put the dissolve effect on so the shadowing was still included. 

I added my font to this logo and it looked far to organic and sea like so I played around with colour and gradient overlays, I kept my font the same as the first logo I tried as I loved it boldness and technical look it had.
Here is my final piece (below) 

Friday 17 February 2012


Lets just say the word STRESSFUL is a bit of an understatment.

But for some good news ... I got everything done and handed in ON TIME!!!!!!!!
I am not gonna lie I am glad its done and finished.

This project seemed fine at the start but I fell into the trap of forgetting it was a typographical based project and took a very artistic approach.
I was very happy with my design...UNTIL it came to adding the type on and it went down hill slightly.

To be honest I sort of expected as much with this project as I had trouble in the beggining (as I said in a previous blog)

I will update the images of my final pieces later on.

Bye Bye xx

Friday 10 February 2012

Lets get started...

Hello.. Again.

Second blog in one day!! 

Right I have found an image I am basing my piece around...  
I like how its got a bit of wiring in the picture and looks slightly tangled (which is not a stranger when it comes to headphones)
I am gonna draw it out a few times before I add some info on the event. 

Toodles xx

Whats Happening??

Hey World!!

After weeks of tension over this project I am finally getting stuck in.. I know its the last week of the project but all my worry and experiments have been added to the work I am handing in. 

I don't really know what got me worried I think I dove in feet first a bit this time (NOT GONNA HAPPEN AGAIN) 

Anyways I have been wasting my time experimenting with an idea which just wasn't working so best thing to do CHANGE IT.. I am now working on a different design based around headphones.  I will upload my VERY ROUGH sketch for my initial ideas to give you's a little idea of it.  (don't judge the roughness haha)

I will keep you updated when I have played around with the idea a bit.. WISH ME LUCK 
AGAIN!! :) xx

Tuesday 10 January 2012