Friday 18 May 2012

Done and Dusted

Well I have finished my four final logos and got them mocked up onto a google website setting.

Here they are and I hope you love them: 

Autumn - The idea with this is pretty simple, autumn is one of my favorite seasons and it is most famous for the colors and how the trees change. Basically I have made a image on the computer showing the stage of the leaves falling from the tree with the left over leaves spelling out the google logo.

 Summer - I went for a more cartoon feel for summer. Summer is a very colorful bright time and I thought the best ways to bring out them colors would to be in cartoon and also summer is when all the children are of school and it will relate a lot to them. What I have done hjas taken little aspects of summer and placed them carefully to spell Google. G - Swimming Pool, O - BBQ, O - Beach Ball, G - Sunflower, L - Ice Lolly and E - A sail boat.

Spring -  This was one of my most simple ideas but also one of my favorites, when I think of spring I automatically think of bumble bees and daffodils so I took both of them aspects straight into the logo, but how was I going to get the typography into those aspects, I wasn't I basically just did a small dotted line showing the bees track to the daffodils to get the pollen in the shape of the google font.

Winter - This idea was inspired by my research of passed google logos and was my first initial idea. The idea is that the word Google is a cloud and the cloud gets more and more blurred to the point where the snow is coming out of it. I played around with it being a nights sky first and it looked to much. I decided to make the O the sun behind the cold clouds to give it more of a weather feel.

Well what did you think?

I really enjoyed doing this project and got really into it, I hope my logos do it justice.

Well that is my first year over and done with. I will try and keep blogging and updating you on my interests and pieces of work I love.

See you in September NCL College :) xx

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