Thursday 14 March 2013

End of an Era (Nearly)

Well we have gotten a new module which has made me realise that its all coming to an end  (SOON)
this module is basically to build our portfolios we have to pick a few different live briefs by ourselves and work on them to build our porfolios up for what we are doing after this weather its to go into the big bad world alone or do what I have done and do the top up year.

...Which I have realised I have not blogged about so I will give you a brief update on that...
I have applied at a few places to do a top up year which will either allow me to spread my wings a bit and see what is going on at different universities or just allow me to do another year where I am and help me further my experience and give me that extra bit confidence I need to get into the working world of a creative!!

So at the minute I will be working on both interviews and topping up my portfolio for them also any future placements that may come along!!

I'll keep you up to date though!!
Thanks for reading :)

Monday 11 March 2013



I had an amazing, AMAZING time.

We got there and the first night just walked around like starstruck kids it was just so shocking everything was just like WOW.   Had some food and got some sleep (slept like a baby with the jet lag)
Woke up the next day at like 6AM and bought our first starbucks which was even an experience!!
(They spelled my name wrong but was so tasty)

Anyways that day was the day we visited two agencies, and took the scenic root getting there it was such a sunny day and we just got too walk all around new york spotting different people and things!! 

The agencies we went to were ...

We went to Pearlfisher were a really great group and gave us a wonderful presentation and showed us a lot of the work they were involved in.

One being the rebrand of the packaging of the Starbucks coffee beans that you can buy to take home for yourself.  They went for a shiny look with different images to distinguish the different roasts you can get for example the dark espresso roast they have an image of two espresso shots for good reason but say the dark italian roast has a image of a moped on which has nothing to do with coffee but mopeds are very famous for being used in cities in italy!! I have put the pearlfisher rebrand images, if you just go through and take a look at the name of the roast and the image used you will see the cleverness behind this idea.  

Another piece they showed us was for Go Macro which I really enjoyed hearing about as it had a story behind it, the story was about a really ill lady who had to eat all this healthy bland stuff and one day decided she would make her own treats which stuck to her healthy regime but tasted good as well, and that was how go macro was born, Pearlfisher rebranded for the company and did a fantastic job doing so I love how they came from such a simple story and are healthy and not what a lot of people would think of buying but pearlfisher have made it look delicious and will make people want to buy it, they have took the flavours of each bar and made a collage of healthy looking/ natural looking small images into one giant image of the ingredients in the bar. I am a massive fan of this rebrand and would definitely want to buy this if I walked past it in a shop. 

After pearl fisher we went to Droga5 which was a lot of fun as they were just as interested in meeting us as they do the branding for the famous drink Newcastle Brown Ale which come from the place we came from and were interested to hear our thoughts on the drink and what its like at its hometown I suppose.

Over there they call it Newcastle which is pretty bizarre as in Newcastle they call it Brown Ale (A few people asked me if I was from the place Newcastle was from (meaning the drink) which to me was quite funny) 

But anyways back to the rebrand they have this massive campaign running for Brown Ale

They called it the No Bollocks campaign which is basically taking the mick out of other lagers such as stella where there is a gorgeous man or woman in the countryside of some really hot country explaining where it came from etc... and are basically saying people drink it because they enjoy and/or want to get drunk after a hard week at work.

Here is one of their posters which says "Who uses the word chalice?" which is interestingly placed underneath a certain brand thats whole campaign revolves around there drink being drank in not a glass but a chalice.  

This is another campaign they do, a bar light which says "A $400 sign to get you to buy a $6 beer", a lot of people will be thinking do they want people to buy it but I agree they aren't just giving a load of bull to there target audience they're actually being really truthful which is actually a refreshing change and I think a lot of people will connect with that. 

 I enjoyed both of the companies we went to see in a lot of different ways I enjoyed the variety of work that Pearlfisher has to show us but I also enjoyed the depth we went into at Droga5 and how they found it exciting to meet us as we did them.

Unfortunately we were meant to visit another agency McCann which couldn't do it but I am sure they would have added a lot more interesting work to the day.

The next couple of days we sort of did our own thing and just went sight seeing and ATE a lot haha food was amazing but anything but healthy haha!! Got interviewed by fuse news which was interesting haha.   It was such an amazing wonderful trip minus a few hiccups with luggage, but certainly one of a lifetime and I really really hope I get to visit again soon!!    

Thank you to Neil who organised it and to everyone who came, also to Pearlfisher and Droga5 for seeing all us!! 

Heres a few pictures of the trip enjoy!! 

 On the plane..
 Our Hotel
 The New Year Ball!!
 Top of the Rock View - Notice the empire state right there!!
 Empire State Building (SUN)
 The Group!!
 View from the Empire State Building!!
 Street Art (Made with Powders)
 At the top of the Empire State Building (It was REALLY Windy)
 Binocular Thing!! 
 Our New York Street!!
 Times Square
Droga5's Bar Notice all the Brown Ale stuff!!

I have more pictures but not really to do with my blog but thought a few would be a nice little taste of how my trip to the big apple was. 

Thanks for reading.
Type Soon!!